Wednesday 4 May 2011

TCV Review by Real Gone

The whole review is really long, and I don't see the point of re-posting it here. So, I'll sum it up with a few main points:)

Basically, the writer didn't quite like The Click Five during their "Greetings to Imrie House" days because of the fact that "Eric Dill’s vocals, which appeared horribly auto-tuned throughout huge chunks of the album" and it wasn't for him.

When he first heard them back then, they reminded his friend of The Loveless, a largely ignored power pop band from the mid-90s, that he later found out Wayne Sharp discovered Candy(which evolved into The Loveless).

When the lead singer role was handed to Kyle after Eric Dill left the band, only then did he started to change his view on them, after listening to the songs, of course. After listening to TCV, close to a 100% things he wrote was nothing but good stuff. Seems like he really dig it!

He wrote what he felt and loved about the instruments and everything in between. Glad that TCV is his turning point to favour The Click Five and the crazy keyboardist, Ben. I quote him, "As I’d always been a sucker for keyboards that sounded like they’d been lifted from ‘Candy-O’ by The Cars, the slight new wave influences that crept into The Click Five’s music was a welcome addition."

If you have alot of time on your hands and wants to read the full review, click here! Worth reading, though IT IS quite

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